July 26th, 2018

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July 26, 2018

Board Members Present:

Judy Baatrup, President
Jaime Aranda, Vice President
Luke Fletcher, Secretary
Kelly Toulouse, Treasurer
Danny Epper, Director

Board Members absent None

Others Present: Julanne Kaufman, Supervising Community Manager with EBMC

Homeowners Present: 2

Upon notice duly given in accordance with NRS116, the Board of Directors Meeting of Galena Country Estates Homeowners Association held the Board of Directors meeting at the EBMC Office located at 5011 Meadowood Mall Way, Ste. 200, Reno, NV 89509 on July 26, 2018.

Julanne Kaufman called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. All Directors are present and a quorum was established.

HOMEOWNER FORUM (agenda items only in accordance with NRS 116 Board response in italics)
None at this time

March 27, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes
The Board reviewed the March 27, 2018 board meeting minutes. Motion: Judy Baatrup moved to approve the March 27, 2018 board meeting minutes as presented. Danny Epper seconded. Kelly Toulouse was not present for that meeting and abstained. Motion carried.

May 24, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes
The Board reviewed the May 24, 2018 board meeting minutes. Motion: Kelly Toulouse moved to approve May 24, 2018 board meeting minutes with revisions to the date noted on the minutes. Jaime Aranda seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Manager’s Report
Reported that there has been a compliance inspection completed and the association is getting on track
with all other tasks. .

Architectural Committee Report
None at this time

FINANCIALS: Per NRS 116.3108 Section 7: the executive board shall review a current year-to-date financial statement of the association, a current year-to-date schedule of revenues and expenses, a current reconciliation of the operating and reserve accounts, the latest account statements prepared by the financial institutions in which the accounts of the association are maintained; and the current status of any civil action or claim submitted to arbitration or mediation in which the association is a party.
The Board reviewed the financials for period ending May 31, 2018. Motion: Luke Fletcher moved to approve the financials as presented. Jaime Aranda seconded. After some questions and discussion motion
carried unanimously.

CC&R Ballot Discussion
Motion: Danny Epper moved to approve starting the ballot process over due to lack of detail and redline information for homeowners to make a good decision with their vote. Luke Fletcher seconded. After some discussion the board voted unanimously to start the ballot process over again and provide redline copies to the owners. Those that have email addresses will be sent the information via email and hard copies will be mailed to owners that have not authorized email.

Organization of Officers
Due to the passing of the previous Board President Sam Macias, the board felt that it a reorganization of officers was needed.
Motion: Jaime Aranda moved to appoint Judy Baatrup as the President of the Board. Danny Epper seconded motion carried unanimously.
Motion: Kelly Toulouse moved to appoint Jaime Aranda as Vice President of the Board. Danny Epper seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion: Jaime Aranda moved to appoint Luke Fletcher as Secretary of the Board. Danny Epper seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion: Danny Epper moved to appoint Kelly Toulouse as Treasurer of the Board. Jaime Aranda seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Danny Epper is Director.

Review and Approval of Compliance Policy
The board reviewed the compliance policy presented by management. Motion: Kelly Toulouse moved to postpone a decision until the next meeting for further review and customization to the association. Jaime
Aranda seconded. Motion Carried unanimously.

Review and Approval of Annual Meeting Calendar
The board reviewed the meeting calendar provided by management. The calendar has the dates booked at the library for the remainder of 2018. Motion: Kelly Toulouse moved to approve the annual calendar for the remainder of 2018 as presented. Jaimie Aranda seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Galena Country Estates Website vs. EBMC Website
The board is considering keeping the existing website because it is more personalized. Management asked for a month to properly populate the EBMC website offered before the board made a decision. Motion: Kelly Toulouse moved to approve postponing this decision until the next meeting. Luke Fletcher seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

The board noted the passing of Sam Macias and took a moment of silence in his honor.

A homeowner asked who the president of the board is and if Jamie is the Vice President why he was not conducting the meeting. Vice President Jaime explained that this process is new to him and the rest of the board and asked the manager to chair this meeting so they could learn.

The same owner asked if there are any committees for the association. There is an architectural committee of three.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at the South Valleys Library.

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